Monday, July 20, 2015


Restoration of virginity (Hymen Reconstruction) is now a reality Happening in  countries like the United Kingdom,USA, Japan, India etc. Report says it is gradually entering into Nigeria. The procedure is known as “Hymenoplasty” it involves raising a small flap of the vaginal lining, so that there appears to be a hymen again. The procedure is expected to create a small obstruction which when broken, is expected to bleed slightly so that the man will think she is still a virgin. 

In many cultures, an important determinant of family honor is chastity of women, so it’s very important for young women to appear a virgin when they get married. The traditional proof of virginity is bleeding when hymen is broken, during a woman’s first sexual intercourse. To avoid ostracism and divorce etc. women wants to revirginize to make a statement of high chastity.

Another reason is when a woman loses her virginity through rape and sexual abuse, she would want to restore her virginity to buy back her innocence. In USA and UK, some women ask for hymenoplasty even when they have had a child. What exactly do they want? This process is legalized in most countries for women, even after most countries criminalized female genital mutilation commonly known as woman circumcision. As a matter of fact, in a study conducted to find out the background of women asking for hymen repair, it was found that most women requesting hymen reconstruction had a history complicated by critical life events related to their request.
A critical issue however is that hymenoplasty alone may not help women because most women will not bleed during their first intercourse following the procedure and also they have to prove to be ‘tight’ enough. QUESTION!!! Considering the religious, legal, moral and psychological implication, what do you make of this? Do you think this procedure is right or justifiable under any circumstance?

Credits :Gpgist