Sunday, July 12, 2015

JAMB To Announce Cut-off Marks On July 14


The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB, will hold its 2015 policy meeting to commence the process of 2015 admissions. The meeting is scheduled on the 14th of July
The meeting, following the conduct of the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination on Computer Based Test mode, will alsoannounce the cut-off mark for admission into different courses.
According to the Public Relations Officer of JAMB, Dr. Fabian Benjamin: “this meeting defines the criteria for the year’s admission. The cut-off point is arrived at after extensive deliberation by all stakeholders, which include Vice-Chancellors of Universities, Provosts of Colleges of Education and Rectors of Polytechnics, Monotechnics, Innovative Enterprise Institutions and other stakeholders.
“The exercise is interesting because of the success witnessed with the first full-blown Computer Based Test. The exercise has proven that our education system still has some hope. In any educational system, world over, the examination process makes the difference.
“The goal of national development through education becomes like a mirage if examination bodies get it wrong. And today the Board has gotten it right.”