Sunday, July 12, 2015

Gunmen riding motorcycles Killed 15 People

Gunmen riding  motorcycles stormed a popular market in Agbonchia, Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State killing fifteen people and injured many others,The Nation reports.
solomon arase

The men wielding guns were  said to have shot indiscriminately at people especially youths at the motorcycles’ washing section leading pandemonium as people scampered for safety. Some people were not lucky as they were hit by bullets. Some died instantly while others sustained injuries.
An eyewitness at the scene of the incident attributed the high casualty figure to the fact that people at the market thought that the rampaging gunmen came to wash their motorcycles only for them to start shooting at people at close range and later escaped on their motorcycles.
Confirming the incident, Rivers police mouthpiece, Muhammad Kidaya Ahmad, said a suspect had been  arrested and currently answering questions in connection to the incident.
He pointed out that investigation is ongoing stating that the command had arrested a suspect and currently undergoing interrogation.
Ahmad claimed five persons were killed in the shooting adding that police’s preliminary investigation shown that the incident was an attack by a cult group.
He further gave assurance that the fleeing gunmen would soon be arrested and would be made to law the full weight of the law so as to serve as a deterrent to other criminally-minded persons.
