Monday, June 1, 2015

Nigeria Loses Billions of Dollars To Smuggled Poultry Products

Poultry Industry in Nigeria is seriously threatened by the activities of smugglers as Nigeria reportedly loses over $2 billion to smuggled poultry products. 
Speaking during the 2015 edition of the annual national poultry summit of  National President of the Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN), Dr. Ayoola Oduntan said   loosing such a whopping sum is detrimental to the growth of poultry business in Nigeria. 
Nigeria Loses Billions of Dollars To Smuggled Poultry Products 
Oduntan stated that over 1.2 million tonnes of poultry products, mainly frozen chicken and turkey smuggled into the country have adversely affected the business of poultry farming in the country.
According to him, Nigeria produces 300,000 tonnes of poultry products locally. Compared to the million of tonnes being smuggled into the country every day, Oduntan noted that there is a wide gap between the aggregate demand and supply in the country “Nigeria cannot continue to be a subtle dumping ground for all kinds of poultry and poultry products. Considering the high level of unemployment in the country, the government must do everything it can to reopen closed farm and develop the poultry industry, rather than wasting hard earned foreign exchange on products that gives nothing but financial losses to the economy,” he said.
Oduntan indicated that the outbreak of avian influenza that affected about 1.2 million birds in 25 states in the country has increased to 1.4 million in 5 months.