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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Reno Omokri Goes Into Full Time Evangelism

Reno Omokri, special assistant to former president Goodluck Jonathan on new media, in his interview granted to Leadership has said he has dumped politics, gone into full time evangelism.

He explains matters on some publicized stories, his experiences and future plans.
Omokri noted that he is not interested in any political position any more.

Jonathan’s aide said: “I want to retire to evangelism. My second book is coming out in America and is titled ‘Why Jesus Wept’. I want to focus on promoting the book. I am in some demand as a speaker in churches in the United States and I run a non-profit that is building an orphanage in Nigeria. My hands are full doing the work of God.”
Omokri also said that he was amused by all the lies and misinformation fed the public by certain sites and individuals.
I was never fired, replaced or demoted. Obi Asika was never my boss neither was I operating under him in a subordinate capacity. I had my role and he had his. We had cause to socialize but we never collaborated on anything,” he added.
The aide to the former president targeted some high and low points he had while working for the previous administration.
Omokri said: “The highest point in my opinion was when the president was dubbed the “Facebook President” by CNN. He went on to have the second highest Facebook following of any elected president after President Obama. The low point was that my job put me in the spotlight, making me a target of the political media opposed to the president.”
Finally he gave advises for Muhammadu Buhari’s government.
His words: “Consider a buffalo and a wolf. One on one, the buffalo is stronger than the wolf. However, because buffalo will not unite to fight the wolves, they become weaker because the wolves are united.

“The biggest culture shock Africans have when they travel to the West, especially for studies, is to find out that they are more intelligent than the average Westerner one on one. However, because black folks are not willing to unite, we are weaker as a people and as a result we are under the influence of more united people.
“Genesis 11:6 reads: “the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do”.
“The most successful nations are those nations who understand the principle of Genesis 11:6. That is the idea behind the United States of America; that is the idea behind the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the British Isles; that is the idea behind the European Union and also the United Arab Emirates. If black people, and especially the Nigerian nation, do not key into this principle,if they remain disunited along tribal, ethnic, regional and religious lines, we will never be able to fulfill our potential as a people, and as a nation. This is my advice to the Buhari administration.”
It should be noted that as Special Assistant to President Jonathan, Omokri was famed for using social media to conduct surveys and project the developments undertaken by the Nigerian Government. He is the founder of a multimedia project, Build Up Nigeria, and has produced a series of short films in the U.S.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Nigeria Loses Billions of Dollars To Smuggled Poultry Products

Poultry Industry in Nigeria is seriously threatened by the activities of smugglers as Nigeria reportedly loses over $2 billion to smuggled poultry products. 
Speaking during the 2015 edition of the annual national poultry summit of  National President of the Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN), Dr. Ayoola Oduntan said   loosing such a whopping sum is detrimental to the growth of poultry business in Nigeria. 
Nigeria Loses Billions of Dollars To Smuggled Poultry Products 
Oduntan stated that over 1.2 million tonnes of poultry products, mainly frozen chicken and turkey smuggled into the country have adversely affected the business of poultry farming in the country.
According to him, Nigeria produces 300,000 tonnes of poultry products locally. Compared to the million of tonnes being smuggled into the country every day, Oduntan noted that there is a wide gap between the aggregate demand and supply in the country “Nigeria cannot continue to be a subtle dumping ground for all kinds of poultry and poultry products. Considering the high level of unemployment in the country, the government must do everything it can to reopen closed farm and develop the poultry industry, rather than wasting hard earned foreign exchange on products that gives nothing but financial losses to the economy,” he said.
Oduntan indicated that the outbreak of avian influenza that affected about 1.2 million birds in 25 states in the country has increased to 1.4 million in 5 months.

Speaker: Cracks In APC As Tinubu,Tambuwal Disagree

There are indications that the battle for the position of speaker of the House of Representatives may be causing rift between the national leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the immediate past Speaker, Aminu Tambuwal.

This new development is said to be posing a serious threat to the harmony that exists in the party.
It was gathered by The Sun that rift in the party became apparent after a recent retreat for the members of the House which failed to mend the crack between the leadership of the party and some interest groups backing some candidates.
According to report, Hon Yakubu Dogara, the chairman of the House Services Committee is widely believed to enjoy the full backing of the former Speaker and his Deputy Chief Emeka Ihedioha while Tinubu’s candidate is outgoing minority leader, Femi Gbajabiamila, who is from the South-west.
A competent source close to the house said: “I don’t see anything changing between now and June 9. Dogara is the project of Tambuwal and Ihedioha. It was so well worked out in concert with the PDP members that it will be difficult to change. You know how popular Tambuwal and Ihedioha are in the House. Even, how they emerged in 2011 against the expressed wish and zoning principle of their party then is a pointer.”

Apart from Tambuwal’s influence in the house and the support of the PDP, it was further learnt that some of the people want to cease the opportunity to whittle down Tinubu’s growing powers in the party.
The source pointed out that Tinubu is widely acclaimed as the brain behind the mergers that culminated in the formation of the party and is also credited with being the force behind the emergence of Muhammadu Buhari and Yemi Osinbajo as presidential candidate and running mate respectively.
According to him, they need to checkmate Tinubu before it becomes too late.
How can one man produce the national chairman of the party, the presidential candidate and his running mate. If he has the national chairman, the president and his deputy, and then the Speaker, it means the party is in his pocket, and he will do what he likes with it,” he said.

The battle may have inadvertently opened new fronts of dichotomy between the original members of the APC at inception and those that defected from other parties, who are derogatorily referred to as ‘joiners.’
Gbajabiamila’s supporters have often made references to Dogara’s men as ‘joiners’. This label has not only infuriated them, but created a steel wedge in the way of harmony and reconciliation.
The speaker of the House of Representatives is the presiding officer of the Federal House of Representatives of Nigeria. The speaker is chosen in an indirect election conducted within the House of Representatives. The speaker is third in line for succession to the Nigerian presidency, after the president of the Senate and the vice president.

Oby Ezekwesili Challenges Buhari's Inaugural speech

Gen. Mohammadu  Buhari Should Turn Words Into Action -  Oby Ezekwesili

Former Nigerian Minister of Education, Oby Ezekwesili has said that the baton is now in President Muhammadu Buhari’s hands to make sure his inaugural speech is translated into action.
The former minister, who also is the leader of the Bring Back Our Girls Campaign Organisation told reporters that she thought the speech was wonderful.

Buhari Should Turn Words Into Action - Oby Ezekwesili
Her revelations come as Nigerians are reacting to the decision by Buhari to relocate the military command to Bornu State.
Ezekwesili applauded the speech but said that the new president now needs to walk the walk after the talk.
Buhari had on Friday, May 29 said that the Nation’s primary problem was tackling the Boko Haram’s insurgency.

“Progress has been made in recent weeks by our security forces but victory can not be achieved by basing the Command and Control Centre in Abuja. The command centre will be relocated to Maiduguri and remain until Boko Haram is completely subdued. But we can not claim to have defeated Boko Haram without rescuing the Chibok girls and all other innocent persons held hostage by insurgents.
“This government will do all it can to rescue them alive. Boko Haram is a typical example of small fires causing large fires. An eccentric and unorthodox preacher with a tiny following was given posthumous fame and following by his extra judicial murder at the hands of the police. Since then through official bungling, negligence, complacency or collusion Boko Haram became a terrifying force taking tens of thousands of lives and capturing several towns and villages covering swathes of Nigerian sovereign territory.

Boko Haram is a mindless, godless group who are as far away from Islam as one can think of. At the end of the hostilities when the group is subdued the Government intends to commission a sociological study to determine its origins, remote and immediate causes of the movement, its sponsors, the international connections to ensure that measures are taken to prevent a recurrence of this evil. For now the Armed Forces will be fully charged with prosecuting the fight against Boko Haram,” he said.

Oby Ezekwesili was one of the most vocal critics of the President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration failure to secure the release of the over 200 girls kidnapped by terrorist sect, Boko Haram.

credits : Naij