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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jam IT ft 2Face & Timaya - DJ Xclusive Official Video

Extraordinary by D'Banj

Come and Do Official Video by Cynthia Morgan

Burna Boy Soke Official Video

Awilo Longomba FT Psquare - Enemy Solo Video

  see official video of awilo and psquare

Buruji Kashamu vs NDLEA: Senator Thanks Media, Judiciary

The embattled Senator-elect Buruji Kashamu released a press statement to express the words of gratitude to all who contributed in the resolution of the crisis between him the operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA). 
The six-day long saga ended with the lift of the siege on the Lagos residence of the Ogun politician on May 28, 2015, Thursday. 
Buruji Kashamu vs NDLEA: Senator Thanks Media, Judiciary 
Read the abstracts from his statement below:
I apologize to my neighbours in Lekki Phase 1, especially the management, members of staff and pupils of The Lagoon School, for all the pains and inconveniences you were subjected to. I know that you could not open the school throughout last week because of the barricade mounted by the fully armed and stern-looking NDLEA operatives. As an entrepreneur and a parent, I know the quantum of the loss you and your children have suffered as a result of the siege.

For the six days, I was denied access to my doctors despite having challenges with my blood and sugar levels. They rose astronomically, yet they would not budge.
So quite naturally, after those who illegally invaded my house left on Thursday night, I was rushed to a private hospital where I am presently receiving treatment.

Although, I plan to address the media, Nigerians and the whole world on my present travails and the intricate web of politics and manoeuvrings that led to it soon, I cannot wait to say thank you to all those who stood my me through the six dark days and nights.
I have been traumatized and unjustly victimized but your fervent prayers, solidarity and support kept me. I thank you for standing by me. May the almighty Allah Subhana wa tala, who has been my refuge and stay, stand by you all.

I am really grateful to the media and the judiciary and would forever live to cherish these institutions and their personnel. Words would fail me in showing my appreciation to you, but know that I owe you a debt of gratitude that I may never be able to repay.
It would be noted that did not make the list of media houses and organizations that received a particular, personal, thanks from the senator-elect. This is despite the fact that only the first two news on the siege, dated May 23, have been read by over 170,000 of Nigerians.

credits : naij


GEJ Allowed Himself To Be Rigged Out – Asari Dokubo

After several weeks of opposing the new government, the reality of Muhammad Buhari as president might just have dawned on Ex- Niger Delta militant leader, Alhaji Asari Dokubo.

Speaking during a chat with newsmen in Owerri today, May 31, Asari Dokubo slammed Ex-president, Goodluck Jonathan for ignoring his advice and relinquishing his duties as president to Buhari.
According to Dokubo, the recent 2015 general elections is “the most rigged election Nigeria has ever experienced, as it was not free and fair”, Vanguard reports.
Alhaji Dokubo who was in Imo to be part of the Biafra Day celebration with his Biafran brothers and sisters, said the results of the 2015 general elections were manipulated.
He said, “The figures were self-evident. The figures clearly showed the manipulations. The elections were not free and fair. Also, the stage was set to manipulate the elections.”

 He also noted that Boko Haram came into being after the leaders from the Northern section of the country (mostly the Northern Muslims), made the statement that they would make the society ungovernable and crisis laden for Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

He recalled that within the four years, they (Boko Haram) made it unbearable for him (Goodluck Jonathan).
The ex-Niger Delta militant also said the National Assembly rejected e-voting and but accepted the card reader idea when it came up.
“Our brother Goodluck Jonathan refused to listen to us. To him, the life of any Nigerian was not worth his election or ambition. For us, that was an abdication of his duties as President because we were also involved in the elections and we wanted a free and fair elections”, Dokubo said.

Dokubo recalled that Jonathan was roundly humiliated on the day of the election, stressing that four card readers were brought as he stood waiting and all of them rejected him.
“That was the time Dr. Jonathan ought to have taken action and stopped the fraud that INEC called an election. He did not do it. It was in the middle of a crucial match that the referee, Professor Attahiru Jega , who is from the same place with Muhammadu Buhari, issued a statement that if card readers cannot confirm your finger prints, then you can go on and vote”, Dokubo fumed.

This attack on Jonathan comes after the ex-militant leader earlier warned President Buhari against undermining the interest of the Niger Delta.

What Should I Do - Boys before the flower

Goodluck Jonathan Reacts To Buhari Inaugural Speech

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has finally shared his thoughts on the May 29 inaugural speech by President Muhammadu Buhari. The ex leader of the nation commented on the speech in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state, on May 30, 2015, Saturday.

Jonathan applauded President Buhari for pledging allegiance to all in his inaugural speech, adding that he was gladdened by the posture of the president.
“Buhari said that he does not belong to any clique, and I congratulate him for that statement.
“It shows that we should all rally around him to work towards the development of the country and make Nigerians happy,” Jonathan said.

Goodluck Jonathan Reacts To Buhari Inaugural Speech 
        NAN gives other opinions by stakeholders in Bayelsa.
“The president said that he belonged to everyone and to nobody. That is the kind of words we want from a leader. Thank God Nigeria’s democracy is advancing and we have gotten a leader that will take the issues of workers very seriously,” Tari Dounana, the Bayelsa chairman of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, said.
Ezekiel Ogbianko, the chairman of the Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN) in Bayelsa: “All Nigerians, especially RIFAN should cooperate with the new administration to move the country forward. I believe that if president takes actions on all he said, Nigeria will move forward.”
Rev. Samuel Ayadi, the Niger Delta coordinator of Artisanal Fishermen Association of Nigeria (ARFAN) was impressed by the presidential first message: “The speech raises a lot of hope and for the new president to even mention the Niger Delta issue shows that he cares.
“We, the fishermen, have showcased our challenges to him during his electioneering campaigns.
“We expect him to address pending oil spill compensations, especially the Bonga Spill incident and assist the traditional fishing sector to enable us contribute towards food security.”

It would be noted that Buhari’s inauguration and the first speech became the subject of discussion at various levels in and outside Nigeria. Many Nigerians were touched by it, while for others it was disappointing and looked like another set of presidential campaign promises.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

See Mavin Star, Korede Bello Spotted Taking Pictures With Buhari’s Daughters

Last night, Mavin act, Korede Bello performed at the Presidential Inauguration Gala in Abuja to usher in the new administration led by Muhammadu Buhari. After his performance, he shared some photos from the performance on Instagram and the captioned his photo with the President’s pretty daughter Zahra as ‘Bae and I’….

nobody will tell events inauguration ceremony

Fun Galore As Buhari Takes Mantle Of Leadership In Abuja 

Nigeria’s president, Mohammed Buhari, wore a smile all through his inauguration ceremony that took place today at the Eagle Square, Abuja. The event, which took place under a sunny sky, as with previous swearing-in ceremonies was attended by past Nigerian presidents, foreign diplomats and highly distinguished guests.

Fun Galore As Buhari Takes Mantle Of Leadership In Abuja 

A series of security checks signaled the commencement of the event as guests were ushered in and entertained to the delightful compere of the famous Bisi Olatilo. Guests were entertained by Peter and Paul of P-square, Faze, Ayinde-K1 the Ultimate, and a few local entertainers.
The high point of the event was the swearing-in of Buhari as the 4th democratically elected president since 1999 when the country returned to democracy. Buhari then proceeded to receive the 21-gun salute and release the symbolic white pigeons into the air to symbolize peace. President Buhari inspected the parade by the Nigerian army and went on to deliver his inaugural speech.

Delivering his speech the president declared that business will not be as usual and promised not to interfere with other arms of government, the legislature and the judiciary. He had a quote for those suspecting that he might be a political tool in the hands of influential politicians. He said ‘I belong to everybody and I belong to nobody’. He went further to dampen the fears of those that can be classified as his ‘political enemies’ saying their suspicions are ‘groundless’.
President Buhari then charged law enforcement agencies to be law abiding, promising that law enforcing operatives will discharge their duties according to the law under his administration. Knowing that the task ahead of him requires the participation of everyone President Buhari canvassed for the support of Nigerians. “Government cannot succeed without the support of labour unions, civil society, and the press including the social media,” he said.

Fun Galore As Buhari Takes Mantle Of Leadership In Abuja
As regards repositioning the public service the president had this to say: “We shall rebuild and reform the public service to become more effective and more serviceable. We shall charge them to apply themselves with integrity to stabilize the system.”
He then charged the judiciary “to act with dispatch on all cases especially on corruption, serious financial crimes or abuse of office” saying that the three arms of government would have to “act constitutionally” so that “government will be enabled to serve the country optimally and avoid the confusion that often bedevils governance”.




President Muhammadu Buhari has promised to represent the interests of all Nigerians irrespective of their political affiliations, ethnicity or religion.

I Belong To Nobody – President Buhari

 The president declared this in his inaugural speech before a jubilant crowd at the Eagles Square, Abuja , yesterday, May 29, Leadership reports.

Buhari said he intends to keep his oath and serve as president to all Nigerians, emphasizing that he belongs to everybody and not to any particular person.
He also allayed fears that he would seize the opportunity given him to settle old scores with perceived enemies, noting that the past was gone.
A few people have privately voiced fears that on coming back to office I shall go after them. These fears are groundless. There will be no paying off old scores. The past is prologue,” he said.

The president admitted that the challenges bedeviling Nigeria were many, but added that the country was able to overcome its many problems. He said his administration would take immediate action to fix the many challenges facing the country.
There have been suggestions in some quarters that corrupt leaders will immediately run away from Nigeria the moment Muhammad Buhari is sworn in as president.
Back in February, a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Bode George,  vowed to go into exile if Muhammad Buhari won the presidential election.

credits: naij

Boko Haram Attempts To Retake Maiduguri At Midnight

Boko Haram insurgents at midnight yesterday attacked the Maiduguri the capital of Borno state firing numerous rocket propelled grenades (RPG) that hit residential buildings witnesses and security officials told Leadership newspaper.

A top security officer at the Department of Security Service (DSS) pleading anonymity told newsmen that “7 persons were killed, 17 injured and about two houses completely destroyed as a result of the RPGs pumped into the town by Boko Haram insurgents”.

The thunderous blasts of the RPGs and constant gunshot sounds forced residents of the state capital to abandon their sleep.
Meanwhile another anonymous military officer said, Boko Haram terrorists in an attempt to recapture the town also tried another entry into the town, but could not advance further beyond the barricade trenches and sand fortress dug and built around the troubled city.
Meanwhile a member of Vigilante Group of Nigeria, Abbas Gava, speaking on the seven people killed said,“My younger sister lives in Dala-Lawant. She and her family came running to my house at Moduganari ward in the night because a heavy explosion had hit the house close to theirs. And when we went back this morning to find out what transpired we met people mourning the death of seven people killed by bullet from a rocket launcher. The building that was hit is rented apartments for tenants; it was badly destroyed”.

Mari Madu another resident in the state capital whose lives close to the attacked Dala-Lawanti told leadership, “I counted more than 40 heavy explosions coming from rocket launchers before I lost counts. Each time they fired into the town, we would see bright sparkling light, which moved with great speed passing over our houses. One of the blasts shook the roof of my house so badly that I thought it might have landed on my house. Many houses were destroyed in our neighbourhood, but I have not heard of anyone that died”.

The attacks forced thousands of residents, mostly members of the youth vigilante, a.k.a Civilian-JTF to take arms to keep watch in case more Boko Haram attacks came.
The shooting was reported to have started at about 12:50 am and continued until about 3am when shootings ceased.
It could not be confirmed if soldiers had been able to kill the attackers, or only succeeded in repelling the insurgents.
Maiduguri is one of the many cities and capitals recaptured from the Boko Haram insurgents following intensive offense in the past three months.
Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari said in his inauguration speech that until Boko Haram is defeated the army headquarters will be relocated to Maiduguri from Abuja

President Barack Obama of the United states of America and the former Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Kofi Annan have both congratulated Muhammudu Buhari on his inauguration as President of Nigeria.

Obama, Annan React To Buhari's Inauguration
While Obama says he will continue to strengthen the economic and diplomatic styles between his country and Nigeria, Annan says he hopes “that Nigeria’s recent elections were not a lucky exception but instead signal a new democratic departure from which other countries in Africa and beyond can draw inspiration.”
Obama in a press statement obtained by a correspondent of Leadership newspaper in New York, promised that his administration would maintain the strong ties with the government of Nigeria which began in 2010, stressing that he should not relent in his effort to ensure that Nigeria remains united.
Obama, also praised former president, Goodluck Jonathan, for putting the interest  of Nigeria at hand by conceding defeat at the March 28th Presidential elections.
Obama, Annan React To Buhari's Inauguration

Meanwhile, Annan in a statement said he prayed the newly-inaugurated administration Buhari, will rule the country using democratic tenets. He also hoped the peaceful was the first of its kind in Nigeria and Africa as a whole
He said, “For the first time in Nigeria’s history, an elected president is today handing power to another elected president following an election that was, by and large, free, fair and comparatively peaceful. President Goodluck Jonathan, in particular, deserves much credit for conceding defeat promptly and elegantly.
Credits :

The First Lady of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari, has decided to close her spa and beauty institute which is the biggest in the country.

Aisha Buhari Closes Beauty Shop In Kaduna
The beauty parlor, named Hanzy Spa and Hanzy Beauty Institute, is located along Camp Road, a high class area of Ungwan-Rimi government residential area in Kaduna state.

Aisha opened the beauty institute as the first of its kind in Northern Nigeria and it is a National Board of Technical Education-accredited vocational training center, registered by the Ministry of Education with the aim of engaging youths in the emerging beauty industry.
To focus more on her duties as the First Lady of Nigeria, Aisha decided to close down the institute in late March before her husband, President Muhammad Buhari’s swearing-in.
The beauty parlor  is reported to be close to the private residence of the immediate past vice president, Namadi Sambo.

The institute has been patronized by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation/Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company to assist in training individuals under its Youth Empowerment and Skill Acquisition Program.
It is reported that not many customers who visited the spa and beauty saloon were aware that a former head of state’s wife was the owner of the place, as she attended to all customers in like manner and was very welcoming of her customers which attests to her good communication skills.
Aisha is a well-trained esthetician. She studied and earned prestigious certificates in her field. The First Lady obtained a diploma in Beauty Therapy from the Carlton Institute of Beauty Therapy, Windsor, United Kingdom and a certificate course from the French Beauty School, Esthetique Academie Dubai. She is also a member of the United Kingdom’s Vocational Training and Charitable Trust and the International Health and Beauty Council.Mrs Buhari is 44 years old this year. She hails from Adamawa state from the family of the first minister of defence, Mohammadu Ribadu.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Photo: As former president Jonathan & wife leave Abuja for Otuoke

Former president Jonathan and wife pictured on their way out of Abuja back to their home in Otuoke, Bayelsa state after the inauguration ceremony this morning.

Full Text of President Buhari's Inaugural speech

Below is what the new president said;

I am immensely grateful to God Who Has preserved us to witness this day and this occasion. Today marks a triumph for Nigeria and an occasion to celebrate her freedom and cherish her democracy. Nigerians have shown their commitment to democracy and are determined to entrench its culture. Our journey has not been easy but thanks to the determination of our people and strong support from friends abroad we have today a truly democratically elected government in place.
I would like to thank President Goodluck Jonathan for his display of statesmanship in setting a precedent for us that has now made our people proud to be Nigerians wherever they are. With the support and cooperation he has given to the transition process, he has made it possible for us to show the world that despite the perceived tension in the land we can be a united people capable of doing what is right for our nation. Together we co-operated to surprise the world that had come to expect only the worst from Nigeria. I hope this act of graciously accepting defeat by the outgoing President will become the standard of political conduct in the country.

I would like to thank the millions of our supporters who believed in us even when the cause seemed hopeless. I salute their resolve in waiting long hours in rain and hot sunshine to register and cast their votes and stay all night if necessary to protect and ensure their votes count and were counted. I thank those who tirelessly carried the campaign on the social media.

At the same time, I thank our other countrymen and women who did not vote for us but contributed to make our democratic culture truly competitive, strong and definitive. I thank all of you. Having just a few minutes ago sworn on the Holy Book, I intend to keep my oath and serve as President to all Nigerians. I belong to everybody and I belong to nobody. A few people have privately voiced fears that on coming back to office I shall go after them. These fears are groundless.

There will be no paying off old scores. The past is prologue. Our neighbours in the Sub-region and our African brethenen should rest assured that Nigeria under our administration will be ready to play any leadership role that Africa expects of it. Here I would like to thank the governments and people of Cameroon, Chad and Niger for committing their armed forces to fight Boko Haram in Nigeria.

I also wish to assure the wider international community of our readiness to cooperate and help to combat threats of cross-border terrorism, sea piracy, refugees and boat people, financial crime, cyber crime, climate change, the spread of communicable diseases and other challenges of the 21 st century.

At home we face enormous challenges. Insecurity, pervasive corruption, the hitherto unending and seemingly impossible fuel and power shortages are the immediate concerns. We are going to tackle them head on. Nigerians will not regret that they have entrusted national responsibility to us. We must not succumb to hopelessness and defeatism. We can fix our problems.

In recent times Nigerian leaders appear to have misread our mission. Our founding fathers, Mr Herbert Macauley, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Alhaji Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto, Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Malam Aminu Kano, Chief J.S. Tarka, Mr Eyo Ita, Chief Denis Osadeby, Chief Ladoke Akintola and their colleagues worked to establish certain standards of governance. They might have differed in their methods or tactics or details, but they were united in establishing a viable and progressive country.

Some of their successors behaved like spoilt children breaking everything and bringing disorder to the house. Furthermore, we as Nigerians must remind ourselves that we are heirs to great civilizations: Shehu Othman Dan fodio’s caliphate, the Kanem Borno Empire, the Oyo Empire, the Benin Empire and King Jaja’s formidable domain.

The blood of those great ancestors flow in our veins. What is now required is to build on these legacies, to modernize and uplift Nigeria. Daunting as the task may be it is by no means insurmountable. There is now a national consensus that our chosen route to national development is democracy. To achieve our objectives we must consciously work the democratic system. The Federal Executive under my watch will not seek to encroach on the duties and functions of the Legislative and Judicial arms of government.

The law enforcing authorities will be charged to operate within the Constitution. We shall rebuild and reform the public service to become more effective and more serviceable. We shall charge them to apply themselves with integrity to stabilize the system. For their part the legislative arm must keep to their brief of making laws, carrying out over-sight functions and doing so expeditiously. The judicial system needs reform to cleanse itself from its immediate past.

The country now expects the judiciary to act with dispatch on all cases especially on corruption, serious financial crimes or abuse of office. It is only when the three arms act constitutionally that government will be enabled to serve the country optimally and avoid the confusion all too often bedeviling governance today. Elsewhere relations between Abuja and the States have to be clarified if we are to serve the country better.

Constitutionally there are limits to powers of each of the three tiers of government but that should not mean the Federal Government should fold its arms and close its eyes to what is going on in the states and local governments. Not least the operations of the Local Government Joint Account. While the Federal Government can not interfere in the details of its operations it will ensure that the gross corruption at the local level is checked.

 As far as the constitution allows me I will try to ensure that there is responsible and accountable governance at all levels of government in the country. For I will not have kept my own trust with the Nigerian people if I allow others abuse theirs under my watch. However, no matter how well organized the governments of the federation are they can not succeed without the support, understanding and cooperation of labour unions, organized private sector, the press and civil society organizations. I appeal to employers and workers alike to unite in raising productivity so that everybody will have the opportunity to share in increased prosperity. The Nigerian press is the most vibrant in Africa.

My appeal to the media today – and this includes the social media – is to exercise its considerable powers with responsibility and patriotism. My appeal for unity is predicated on the seriousness of the legacy we are getting into. With depleted foreign reserves, falling oil prices, leakages and debts the Nigerian economy is in deep trouble and will require careful management to bring it round and to tackle the immediate challenges confronting us, namely; Boko Haram, the Niger Delta situation, the power shortages and unemployment especially among young people. For the longer term we have to improve the standards of our education.

We have to look at the whole field of medicare. We have to upgrade our dilapidated physical infrastructure. The most immediate is Boko Haram’s insurgency. Progress has been made in recent weeks by our security forces but victory can not be achieved by basing the Command and Control Centre in Abuja. The command centre will be relocated to Maiduguri and remain until Boko Haram is completely subdued. But we can not claim to have defeated Boko Haram without rescuing the Chibok girls and all other innocent persons held hostage by insurgents. This government will do all it can to rescue them alive.

Boko Haram is a typical example of small fires causing large fires. An eccentric and unorthodox preacher with a tiny following was given posthumous fame and following by his extra judicial murder at the hands of the police. Since then through official bungling, negligence, complacency or collusion Boko Haram became a terrifying force taking tens of thousands of lives and capturing several towns and villages covering swathes of Nigerian sovereign territory. Boko Haram is a mindless, godless group who are as far away from Islam as one can think of. At the end of the hostilities when the group is subdued the Government intends to commission a sociological study to determine its origins, remote and immediate causes of the movement, its sponsors, the international connexions to ensure that measures are taken to prevent a reccurrence of this evil. For now the Armed Forces will be fully charged with prosecuting the fight against Boko haram.

We shall overhaul the rules of engagement to avoid human rights violations in operations. We shall improve operational and legal mechanisms so that disciplinary steps are taken against proven human right violations by the Armed Forces. Boko Haram is not only the security issue bedeviling our country. The spate of kidnappings, armed robberies, herdsmen/farmers clashes, cattle rustlings all help to add to the general air of insecurity in our land.

We are going to erect and maintain an efficient, disciplined people – friendly and well – compensated security forces within an over – all security architecture. The amnesty programme in the Niger Delta is due to end in December, but the Government intends to invest heavily in the projects, and programmes currently in place. I call on the leadership and people in these areas to cooperate with the State and Federal Government in the rehabilitation programmes which will be streamlined and made more effective. As ever, I am ready to listen to grievances of my fellow Nigerians. I extend my hand of fellowship to them so that we can bring peace and build prosperity for our people. No single cause can be identified to explain Nigerian’s poor economic performance over the years than the power situation.

It is a national shame that an economy of 180 million generates only 4,000MW, and distributes even less. Continuous tinkering with the structures of power supply and distribution and close on $20b expanded since 1999 have only brought darkness, frustration, misery, and resignation among Nigerians. We will not allow this to go on. Careful studies are under way during this transition to identify the quickest, safest and most cost-effective way to bring light and relief to Nigerians. Unemployment, notably youth un-employment features strongly in our Party’s Manifesto. We intend to attack the problem frontally through revival of agriculture, solid minerals mining as well as credits to small and medium size businesses to kick – start these enterprises.

We shall quickly examine the best way to revive major industries and accelerate the revival and development of our railways, roads and general infrastructure. Your Excellencies, My fellow Nigerians I can not recall when Nigeria enjoyed so much goodwill abroad as now. The messages I received from East and West, from powerful and small countries are indicative of international expectations on us. At home the newly elected government is basking in a reservoir of goodwill and high expectations. Nigeria therefore has a window of opportunity to fulfill our long – standing potential of pulling ourselves together and realizing our mission as a great nation.

Our situation somehow reminds one of a passage in Shakespeare’s Julius Ceasar There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life, Is bound in shallows and miseries. We have an opportunity. Let us take it.

Thank you Muhammadu Buhari
President Federal Republic of NIGERIA and Commander in-chief-of the Armed forces

Photos: President Buhari hosts visiting world leaders to lunch in Aso Rock

President Buhari is about now hosting visiting world leaders to lunch at Aso Villa. More pics after the cut

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

NASA Discovers New Planet Covered With Marijuana

NASA has announced this morning that they have discovered a planet completely covered with marijuana, a discovery that has completely taken scientists by surprise. Planet X637Z-43, discovered using NASA’s Kepler satellite, would also allegedly be one of the very few planets potentially habitable according to NASA experts, who have detected sufficient levels of oxygen and nitrogen to support human life. The presence of marijuana on other planets could strongly encourage future generations to take interest in space exploration, some experts believe. Scoop has more:
“We always think young people aren’t interested by anything but it’s false. Young people love smoking pot,” explains David Charbonneau, astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “Chlorophyll concentration analyses generated by Kepler lead us to believe that the level of THC in these marijuana plants is 3000% higher than the plants found on Earth. If that doesn’t motivate young people to explore space, I don’t know what will,” admits the expert, clearly enthusiastic.
“Regardless, marijuana will without a doubt be a valuable and indispensable resource for interstellar trips. Imagine if it takes 140 years to travel from one planet to another, let’s just say it’s going to be a very long trip. You better have rolled yourself a couple of joints for the road,” he admits with humor.
Since the discovery, NASA has launched a campaign on social medias to name the new planet and so far, the name Bob Marley has taken the lead with over 2 094 367 votes at the time of this report.

Pic: Masturbating men ‘will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife’- Muslim televangelist

A Muslim televangelist, Mücahid Cihad Han has set Turkish social media aflame by claiming that a man would meet his masturbating hand 'pregnant in the afterlife' and is 'asking for its rights. Lol

Self-styled televangelist Mücahid Cihad Han dived into some delicate matters on May 24 when he answered his viewers’ questions on private television station 2000 TV, Turkish media has reported. Han initially looked puzzled when a viewer said he 'kept masturbating, although he was married, and even during the Umrah,” a pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims which can be undertaken at any time of the year, in contrast to the Hajj.

After repeating the question a few times, Han claimed that Islam strictly prohibits masturbation as a “haram” (forbidden) act. “Moreover, one hadith states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, complaining against them to God over its rights,” he said, referring to what he claimed to be a saying of Prophet Muhammad.

“If our viewer was single, I could recommend he marry, but what can I say now?” the televangelist added, advising the viewer to “resist Satan’s temptations.”

Is masturbation forbidden in Islam?

“Istimna,” the Arabic term for masturbation that Han also referred to, is a controversial issue in Islam, as there have been varying opinions on its permissibility throughout history. The Quran has no clear reference to masturbation and the authenticity of many hadiths is questionable.

Despite Han’s assertive religious stance, only a limited number of Islamic interpretations categorize masturbation as “haram,” while most of others call it a “makruh” (disliked) act. Many of the mainstream Islamic interpretations even allow it in certain conditions, like if the act could be used to avoid the temptation of an extramarital affair.

Han, who has more than 12,000 followers on Twitter, was mocked on Turkish social media on May 25, after newspapers published his latest television “fatwa.”

“Are there any hand-gynaecologists in the afterlife? Is abortion allowed there?” one Twitter user asked, while mentioning Han’s Twitter user name.

“So you think that being pregnant is a God-given punishment?” another user asked.

Source: Hurriyetdailynews

Gov. Amaechi speaks on his fight with Patience Jonathan and GEJ

Rivers state governor, Rotimi Amaechi says despite the effort by First Lady Patience Jonathan and the president to remove him from office, they are all leaving government at the same time. He said the president and his wife had wanted him to leave office before the end of his tenure but he is now seeing the end of his administration.

While speaking at the presentation of a special documentary titled 'The Amaechi Years', the governor said Patience Jonathan interfered with operations of the military apparatus in the state, ordering the transfer of military officers in the state just because they greeted him.

"People have asked me why I opposed President Goodluck Jonathan. When the fight started, instead of receiving money from the Federal government, we were sending money to the Federal Government. Have you seen a country where the Commissioner of Police reports to the wife of the President? That is happening in Rivers State. Have you seen a country where a Brigade Commander reports to the wife of the President or where the Navy Commander or Air force Commander reports to the wife of the President? This happened in Rivers State. The wife of the President will come, they will go and wait for her at the airport. She will tell them to come there at 9.00am, she will come by 12noon. They will escort her to her house, she will go upstairs and come down by 9.00pm and they will all be on ground waiting for her. She will say, I heard you greeted Amaechi last week. Why did you greet him? I will transfer you and you are transferred.
The more she did that, the more the President turned his back, and the more I fought because I felt that such a system is not a system that will make Nigeria grow. Why I agree with my friends who says forget the past because it is gone, I think it is a lesson. Governance is about the man that has been elected and he has the responsibility to deliver services to the people. There was a time when it was everywhere that the Supreme Court will remove Amaechi. That was on until we defeated them at the Supreme Court. I told the Rivers people to go about their business because I have finished praying and that President Jonathan cannot remove me. We are leaving at the same time. They didn’t want me to stay to the end, but here I am staying till the end.”he said

Catholic Bishops appeal to rescued pregnant women not to consider abortion

Catholic Bishops in Nigeria have appealed to rescued women who are pregnant for Boko Haram members not to consider abortion. The Catholic Bishops, under the aegis "Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, CBCN spoke through the Chairman, Health Committee of the CBCN, Most Reverend Anselm Umoren at a press conference in Abuja today May 25th.

The Bishops in their submission, said the life of every baby was distinct from that of the parents. They insisted that aborting such children amounted to visiting the sin of the terrorists, who impregnated the women, on the innocent child.

B.B. King was poisoned by his Manager, say his daughters

the reason they said she killed him was because she refused to let them see their Dad when he was gravely sick and then prevented them from taking photos of him when they eventually saw his body. 

Williams and Patty King - along with sisters Rita Washington and Barbara King Winfree, and brother Willie King - first raised suspicions last week during a viewing of King's body.

A week before King's death, a judge in Las Vegas dismissed a request from Williams to take over as King's guardian.
An April 29 petition alleged that Toney had blocked King's friends from visiting him and had put her family members on King's payroll. It also alleged that large sums of money had disappeared from King's bank accounts.
On Thursday they said that they didn't think their father looked like himself. Their father reportedly died from several stroked caused by his diabetes.
Williams and Patty King accused Toney of keeping them from seeing their father for a week after he died May 14 at home at age 89 and of preventing them from taking photos of him in his casket.
'A picture paints 1,000 words,' Patty King said as she showed cellphone images of the same family group with their father at his birthday in September. 'He loved his children.' The five family members refer to themselves as a family board. 
Three doctors determined that King was appropriately cared-for, and King received 24-hour care and monitoring by medical professionals "up until the time that he peacefully passed away in his sleep," Toney's attorney Brent Bryson said on Monday.
"He did not want invasive medical procedures," he said. "He made the decision to return home for hospice care instead of staying in a hospital. These unfounded allegations have caused Mr. King to undergo an autopsy, which is exactly what he didn't want."
B.B. King is survived by 11 of his 15 children.
Toney said she's doing what B.B. King said he wanted.
'They want to do what they want to do, which is take over, I guess, but that wasn't Mr. King's wishes. Mr. King would be appalled.' 
 B.B. King's will, dated Jan. 18, 2007, and filed Wednesday under his birth name, Riley B. King, appoints Toney as sole executor of his affairs. Another daughter, Riletta Williams, was second in line, but she died last September.
Toney is banning the media and photographs of any kind during the public viewing from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Palm Mortuary on South Jones Boulevard.
Funeral director Matt Phillips said viewers will be able to file past the open casket and security officials will prevent photos. The media won't be allowed inside.
Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said on Monday that an autopsy was performed on King's embalmed body on Sunday, and that the test results will take up to eight weeks.
B.B. King will be buried on May 30 at the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center in Indianola.


Jonathan deprived EFCC of funds –Lamorde

Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde, yesterday indicted the outgoing Jonathan administration, blaming it over the poor performance of the agency.
Speaking through the commission’s spokesman, Wilson Uwujaren, the EFCC boss, blamed its inability to tackle corruption on inadequate funding from the outgoing government.

According to Uwujaren, “we are happy that the incoming government is making the fight against corruption one of its cardinal objectives. Every Nigerian is happy about that. EFCC has been doing this for more than 11 years. We are proud of what the incoming administration wants to do.
“We need an administration that will look at what we are doing and empower us sufficiently to enable us make more impact than we have ever done in the past. We welcome the focus and we believe Nigeria needs to tackle this fight more rigorously for us to make the needed impact.”
Uwujaren proudly listed series of achievements recorded by the agency in over 10 years of its existence, claiming significant progress had been made in the prosecution of former governors.

He said assets that belonged to some of ex-governors had been seized, while money running into billions of dollars had been recovered on behalf of the Nigerian government.
“It is important to recall some of the milestones achieved by the commission in the investigation, prosecution and recovery of assets of politically exposed persons, including ex-governors,” Uwujaren noted.

He denied rumours that the EFCC was involvedin corruption in regards to seized assets and frozen accounts of suspects.

Sun News

Pope Francis says he hasnt watched TV since 1990

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church, who has made waves of connections reaching out to disaffected Catholics and insisting on making the poor a top priority, hasn't watched TV since July 15, 1990, he revealed in an interview published in the Argentinian newspaper La Voz del Pueblo.

The pontiff did not reveal why he gave up watching TV, except to say he decided it wasn't for him, before promising the Virgin Mary he wouldn't watch again.

That promise has kept him from watching his favorite soccer team, Buenos Aires-based San Lorenzo, but he told the paper a member of his Swiss Guard tells him the scores and keeps him up to date on the standings.
Pope Francis said he really misses the tranquility of just walking the streets.
The Pope concluded that he would like to be remembered as a "good guy" who tried to do good".

Project for Human Development raises alarm over abortion plans by UNFPA

At a press conference in Lagos, Director- General of a PRO-LIFE non-governmental organisation, The Project for Human Development, PHD, Jerry Okwuosa raised an alarm over alleged plans by the United Nations Population Funds, UNFPA, to reduce the Nigerian population by offering abortion services to pregnant women and girls recently rescued from Boko Haram by the Nigerian Armed Forces.

He condemned any attempt to subject the pregnant women and girls in the Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs, camps to a traumatic, violent-wrecking and life-threatening abortion process. Okwuosa who accused UNFPA of having hidden intentions which is to reduce the population of Nigeria said:

 “We are aware that currently UNFPA is providing counselling to these Nigerians in the displacement camps in Borno State.

Also reproductive health kits and dignity kits have also been deployed in Borno and Adamawa states to support safe childbirth. These are laudable achievements but at a hidden cost he said.

“We are being told that all the visibly pregnant mothers in the IDP, camp must be aborted and others sterilised for fear that their babies will become Boko Haram terrorists, since some of them have been raped by the sect. UNFPA’s abortion and sterilisation services are geared towards depopulation,” he posited. “The UNFPA is an organisation whose primary interest is population control. In the developed countries of the world now in their demographic winter, UNFPA’s job is to promote population increase by all means.
He further stated that developed countries will do anything to increase their population because they are dying out.

Mr Sonnie Ekwuwusi, a director in the organization agreed with Okwuosa'ssentiments stating that the appointment of former Minister of Health, Professor Babatunde Osotimehin as Director General of UNFPA was aimed at making Nigerians and Africa as a whole buy into the idea of depopulation

Ekwuwusi however condemned any attempt to subject these pregnant women and girls in the IDPs to a traumatic, violent-wrecking and life-threatening abortion processes.
He recommended:
“The pregnant girls and women should be offered free ante- natal clinics and rehabilitation centres where they could go to safely give birth to their babies and afterwards they could give them out for legal adoption if for any reason they do not want to keep the babies,”.
The Guardian.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Little girl throws a tantrum in front of President Obama


Claudia Moser is the name of the little girl pictured above having a tantrum in front of President Obama, Michelle Obama, her Mum- Laura Moser, and some other guests in the White House's Red Room. The incident circulated in social media on Thursday after Claudia's uncle Benjamin, a New York Times writer, and her mother Laura shared pictures of Claudia throwing that tantrum.

14 year old girl sentenced to 40 years for drowning baby

A 14-year-old Dallas girl who drowned a 2 month old baby out of jealousy was sentenced by a juvenile court judge on Friday to 40 years in custody, the maximum punishment available, after admitting to drowning the infant in January, court officials said.

The teenager will begin serving her sentence in state custody of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. A judge will determine whether she is eligible for parole before her 19th birthday or should be transferred to an adult prison.

In a juvenile lockup, the girl will have more options than if she had been tried as adult. She will go to school and get counseling.

The baby belonged to a family friend who was in jail. Child Protective Services had placed the infant in the home of the teenage girl's mother at the request of the baby's mother, according to police.

Investigators said the girl confessed to submerging 2-month-old Justice Hull in a bowl of water because she did not want her mother to adopt the baby. The teenager's mother was at work at the time of the incident. 

George Ashford, the teen’s attorney, said he wasn’t surprised by the sentence. He said the victory for his client came earlier this year when the case was not moved to adult court.

Dallas Morning News

Couple leaves over $847k inheritance to the US Govt.

A married couple, immigrants Peter and Joan Petrasek, from Seattle, who had no known relatives left all of their money and assets to "the government of the United States.

Peter Petrasek was born in the 1920s in what was then Czechoslovakia, and would have been 12 when the Nazis invaded.

Details about his early life are scarce, but at some point during World War II he was placed into a youth camp run by the German air force, according to The Seattle Times but applied for immigration status in the US and was granted. His sister and parents all died during the Nazi invasion.

Little has been reported about Joan's origins, other than that she was from Ireland. She married Peter in Ottawa, Ontario, in 1951.
Joan died in 1998 at age 79 from breast cancer. Peter lived another 14 years, dying in 2012 at age 85. It took a lawyer a few years to fulfill the couple's request of donating their estate to the government. (Peter Petrasek) wanted to make a statement about how much it meant to him to be an American citizen," said Peter Winn, an assistant U.S. attorney who handled the couple's donation.

ABC News reported on Thursday that last month, a cashier check totaling $847,215.57 was made out to the Department of the Treasury.

The government deposited the money into its general fund. 

Man who was mistakenly pronounced dead starts breathing & moves on the way to morgue

46 year old Wisconsin man, Thomas Sancomb collapsed at end of his bed at his Milwaukee apartment was pronounced dead by paramedics. His body was cold to touch and rigid and there was no attempt to resuscitate him. Sancomb was pronounced dead at 2.10pm at the apartment, forensic investigator Genevieve Penn wrote in a report.

Penn then called Sancomb's brother, John Sancomb, to inform him of the death and an autopsy to determine the cause of death was requested.
A transport team arrived to take the body to the morgue, but at about 3pm Sancomb had some 'spontaneous respirations' and began moving his left arm and right leg,
Sancomb's pulse returned and he was taken to Columbia St. Mary's Hospital, where he was admitted to the intensive care unit.

Sancomb's brother told the medical examiner that his sibling had a drink and a cigar every once in a while but did not use street drugs.

The medical examiner's office declined to comment on the case.

50 Cent sues Rick Ross for leaking his Baby Mama's sex tape

50 cents baby Mama, Lastonia Leviston sued 50 cent claiming she was so distraught after he posted the video of her sex tape online to the public and has even contemplated suicide.

Leviston claims in her lawsuit that the guy in her sex tape gave the video to 50 who then posted it online because it would embarrass Rick Ross.

However, 50 has turned around and filed a lawsuit  against Rick Ross claiming he leaked the sex tape which now has millions of views.

He arrived at the conclusion that Rick leaked it because Rick did an interview with a radio station the day before the video was posted in which he said he was going to put the sex tape online.

50 says in his legal docs that if he loses his lawsuit to his ex Lastonia Leviston, Ross should cover most of the judgment because Ross was the one who leaked the tape, not him (50).


Osun worker attempted suicide: Family denies report, says its unconnected with unpaid salary

Press statement I received. Read below...

Family members of Mr. Femi Owolabi who reportedly attempted suicide in Ibokun, Obokun Local Government Area of Osun State have denied the report by the Punch Newspaper that the incident was in connection with unpaid salaries. They said the incident was a family affairs, just as they noted that the newspaper goofed by mentioning the name as Ojo Owolabi.
Owolabi, who hails from Ilahun Ijesa,  level-4 Environmental Officer in the council reportedly attempted suicide on Thursday last week by drinking Gramozone in his B 19 Ogbon Egbe street, Ibokun residence.

Speaking on behalf of the family, his sister, Mrs Yemisi Oladipupo, also a civil servant working in the department of community and social development of the same council area, said the incident had no connection with unpaid salary at all.

She said: "That incidence cannot be connected to unpaid salaries at all. Though, our salaries have not been paid up to date, people have started receiving alert for Februray salary now. So, why would he kill himself because of salary.

"I believe it was the devil at work and it is purely a family affair. I see no reason why our family should be dragged into politics by giving such information that it was caused by non-payment of wages.”

"Those that said the incidence was in connection with salary matter goofed completely by saying he is a senior civil servant, because he is a level 4 officers", she said.

Oladipupo said Owolabi was never at any time admitted at any hospital in Ile-Ife, saying he was only admitted in a private hospital in Osogbo on Sunday after being treated at home for about three days in Ilahun, a community in Obokun local government where his mother resides.

Noting that the reporters got the information wrong, she said the victims wife and children have not relocated anywhere as reported by the newspaper, saying, "the wife was in the hospital with his husband, while his children are in their schools"
He condemned what he described as armchair Journalism, saying it has done damage to the name of the family.
During the visit to the Randel hospital today, Friday, Owolabi had recovered and was billed for discharge later in the day.

However, the Chairman of Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees, Mr. David Owoeye, who was quoted to have confirmed the connection of the incidence to unpaid salary denied making such confirmation..

He said: "Though, I was called by the Punch correspondent, but what I told him was that I did not have the information. Why would I speak on what I do not know.

"It is very unfortunate and worrisome that I was quoted wrongly on such issue that involves life", he said

Mother found pushing dead 3year old boy on swing in Maryland park

A Maryland mother was found early yesterday Friday May 22nd pushing her dead 3-year-old boy on a park swing, according to US police. Officers responded to a call around 7 a.m. to check on a woman who witnesses said had been pushing a child for hours on a swing at Wills Memorial Park in La Plata, Washington, D.C., said Charles County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Diane Richardson.
One witness told deputies she found it strange that the woman had been pushing the child for an unusually long period of time, possibly since the day before, Richardson said.

When the officers arrived they found the 24-year-old woman still pushing the child in the swing, and they realized immediately that the boy was dead, Richardson said. 
The child had no signs of obvious trauma, she said, and had been dead for at least several hours.
The office of the chief medical examiner in Baltimore will perform an autopsy on the boy.
The mother, who was not identified, was transported to a nearby hospital for medical tests, police said. The investigation is ongoing.

Kashamu: NDLEA executes illegal abduction plot, lay seige to his Lagos residence - aide

Press release from Kashamu's media aide, Austin Oniyorkor. Read below...

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA) this morning (Saturday,23rd May, 2015) at about 4:30am surrounded the Lekki Phase 1, Lagos residence of Prince Buruji Kashamu to allegedly effect his arrest following a purported extradition request from the US.
This latest onslaught is a confirmation of the alleged plot to illegally abduct him in spite of the pending suit against this illegality. As a matter of fact, the court has ordered parties in the matter including the NDLEA to maintain status quo until judgment is delivered on Wednesday 27th May 2015.
We have confirmed that they do not have a warrant of arrest, just as the office of the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice has said that it did not give any order to carry out this illegality. We have confirmed that this illegality is being designed and executed by Chief Bode George whose wife is the Director General of the NDLEA, all in a bid to score cheap political points.
We urge all well meaning Nigerians to prevail on NDLEA, Chief George and his wife to toe the path of the rule of law and follow due process. Nigeria is not a Banana republic! The United States(US) being the bastion of democracy, the rule of law and due process should not lend itself to this kind of illegality.

Signed Austin Oniyokor, Media Aide to Kashamu

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Man riding bicycle from Yola to Abuja for Buhari arrives in Abuja

The man riding his bicycle from Yola to Abuja was spotted outside Buhari's office on Lobito crescent today. He said he rode to Abuja for Buhari's swearing in ceremony.

Irina Shayk dumped Cristiano Ronaldo after finding text messages from dozens of women on his phone

Reports emerged over the weekend claiming that super model Irina Shayk dumped ex-boyfriend Cristiano Ronaldo after she found multiple text messages on his phone from dozens of women from across the world, some of whom he had slept with. Some of them he even replied.

"For so long she trusted him and stuck up for him but now she feels completely let down and betrayed." A source told The Sun:
The source also claimed Irina, who is now dating Bradley Cooper, received plenty messages from anonymous women telling her they were sleeping with the footballer

Sad story! Girl dies in hospital lying she was a virgin when in fact she was pregnant & bleeding

Came across this sad story on Twitter about a young girl who went to the hospital while bleeding. They asked her what happened and she said her appendix burst. The hospital check her and found that her appendix was fine. Then a doctor noticed that her Fallopian tube was broken and asked her if she was pregnant. She said no. They asked her if she'd had unprotected sex within the last month, she said she was a virgin.

As time went by, the girl was bleeding. Eventually doctors found out from tests done on her that she had ectopic pregnancy (when embryo attaches outside the uterus) but by the time they evacuated the pregnancy, it was too late and she died. If only she'd told the truth when she first got to the hospital. Read the tweets as told by @LadeJinadu after the cut...

Former NFL player Adrian Robinson commits suicide at age 25

25 year old former NFL Player Adrian Robinson, who played for the Denver Broncos in 2013 has committed suicide. The tall and handsome father of one died on Saturday May 16th after hanging himself in his home.‘It deeply saddens all of us to share with you that Adrian Robinson Jr. passed away last night at the age of 25. No one knows yet why he killed himself but family members said he hadn't acted like he was worried about anything before he took his own life..

His agents wrote on their Facebook page;

‘Adrian was a beloved father, son, brother, friend and teammate. We ask that you please respect his family’s privacy during this difficult time, and especially keep his daughter Avery Marie in your prayers. Thank you for all of your support and consideration.’

Photos: Our lady trekker arrives Abuja

Our lady trekker Agu Chidera Joy who has been walking for 16 days now from Enugu successfully arrived Lugbe yesterday night. This morning she continued from Lugbe and headed to her first termination point 'The international Conference centre'. We are now waiting for her message to Pres. Jonathan, Buhari and all Nigerians. Well done to her ...

Army alerts public to firing of 21 gun salute for presidential inauguration

The Nigerian Army yesterday Monday May 18th released statement saying that the public should be aware that they would be firing their artillery guns for the presidential inauguration and swearing in ceremony and so people who live in Abuja should not panic if they hear sounds of gun shots.

"Rehearsal for the presidential inauguration and swearing in ceremony has commenced since May 4 at the Eagle Square, Abuja. The practice session for the 21 gun salute will take place on May 20 and May 25, and on the inauguration day, May 29. The public is hereby notified, especially those living within Asokoro area of Abuja and its environ not to panic at the sound of simulated firing of military weapons during the dates.” the army said

Photos: Man slumps while jogging in Lagos

An unidentified man believed to be in his early 50s slumped while jogging along Stepping Stone bus stop in Satellite town in Lagos this morning. Passersby and residents of the area say they thought he was resting when they saw him lying on the road. The man's son who was going to school found him on the road and quickly alerted other family members who came to take him away. Hope he's fine!

Photo: Comedian Bovi involved in ghastly car accident last night

The comedian was involved in an accident last night in Ikoyi. He was hit by a speeding car at an intersection. He was rushed to the hospital and released this morning after being treated for an eye injury. He shared a photo of his damaged car and account of what happened below...
"Out of hospital, hale and hearty! Just an injured left eye! Last night was nearly the end. On my lane jejeli and this guy Rams into me at an intersection. Carry my car dump for side walk like small pikin wey no dey hear word. I was sure I had been blinded and broken my hip. First thoughts were my family, my debtors of since last year and my jokes wey some people go just thief! But as usual, Godwin!!! When your life flashes before your eyes, it's like that missed call you never heard ring.

Lol. PDP chieftain Orubebe announces plans to defect to APC, Nigerians react!

Some of these politicians have no shame sha. If this is the real twitter handle of PDP Chieftain Godsday Orubebe, then this is sad! 2 months after his "Jega must go" episode where he embarrassed himself on national TV, the former Niger Delta minister took to Twitter this morning to announce plans to defect from PDP to APC. Of course, Nigerians had something to say about it. Read after the cut..