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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

OFFICIAL: NYSC 2015 Batch “A” Call Up Letter Is Out

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) wishes to inform all prospective Batch “A” 2015 corps members that they can now print their call-up letters online. Those that have registered online can print theirs online.

See Photos Of Goodluck Jonathan’s Otueke’s Luxury Island Villa Home

After May 29, President Goodluck Jonathan will leave the Aso Villa. PUNCH’s Simon Utebor was at the President’s Otuoke, Bayelsa State-country home where he is expected to retire to. The air around the sprawling estate, he says, is amazingly cool. Looking around, the answer to this quickly dawns on him. The estate is opposite a creek, and the rolling breeze keeps coming.
It is Otuoke, the home town of President Goodluck Jonathan. Otuoke is a small island community in the Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. And there, the estate sprawls over a large expanse of land contrasting sharply with its rustic surrounding. It is said to belong to President Jonathan.
On the long road to the gates, soldiers and members of other security agencies, apparently on sentry
duty, walked on the grounds. The overall air suggested guarded and protected serenity. No one needs the gift of clairvoyance to understand they are approaching a restricted zone.
Behind the gates, shoving their heads above the walls are no fewer than eight different structures apparently for different purposes: recreation, security posts and guard quarters. A visitor to Otuoke will not be penalised for calling the place a fortress.
Activities in this place, a source within said had been at a lull until a couple of weeks ago. And it is largely believed that come May 29, after the expiration of his tenure, President Jonathan would relocate to the place.
As if the President had the premonition that he would not live in Aso Rock beyond 2015, he was reported to have begun acquiring properties adjacent his sprawling country home by late 2013.
The President, SUNDAY PUNCH gathered, acquired properties on an area which runs to about seven acres of Otuoba which were around his mansion that had been there earlier.
The place was thereafter expanded to encase the mansion while new structures were erected round it.
It was also gathered that adequate compensation was paid to the owners of these properties to enable them relocate elsewhere.
It was learnt that Jonathan after acquiring those buildings in 2013, engaged the services of a construction company, Jiito, to expand the estate to accommodate his new acquisition. Today, Jonathan’s mini – estate, which overlooks a creek that links Otuoke to other coastal communities of Bayelsa, is a cynosure of all eyes.
A visit to Otuoke on Thursday showed that Jonathan’s mansions, which had been undergoing construction and reconstruction in the last 10 years are now ready for habitation. The area they sit on is best described as an island.
It was learnt that before now, each time the President visited Otuoke, he usually slept in his wife’s (Patience) castle which is directly opposite the Federal University, Otuoke.
It was also learnt that the Jonathans own the choicest properties in Otuoke. The President was said to have built a two-storey building each for his mother and father opposite his own.
His wife, Dame Patience, asides a hotel, is also said to have numerous buildings that have been converted into hostels for FUO female students.

See Asari Dokubo’s Children, Many Like The Chibok Girls

Introducing To You The 2nd Buhari Supporter Who Has Started His Walk From Yola To Abuja

from Yola to Abuja to gain his own 15 minutes of fame.
The man named Duduwale said his journey was to express his joy over the emergence of Buhari as president-elect.
Duduwale reportedly began the journey at Yola Gate on Yola-Numan highway at about 6:30 a.m.
I hope he gets his expected reward when he reaches Abuja, alive hopefully!

US Newspaper Publishes Report Calling Tinubu A Drug Lord

One thing you can’t miss about the American government and press, is how they strictly following happenings in other countries including Nigeria – And recently, a US publication platform known as Daily Beast has released a mind blogging article about APC leader Bola Tinubu, which they titled ‘Nigeria’s Next Leader’s Ties to a Heroin Ring’ describing Tinubu as a former bagman for two heroin trafficker a ‘heroin kingpin’… Read below:
General Muhammed Buhari’s political partner is a former bagman for two heroin traffickers. But that’s just business as usual in Nigeria. Nigeria’s election last month was celebrated as an unlikely victory for democracy in an African country with a tenuous record of free and fair representation. But the man most responsible for midwifing General Muhammed Buhari’s ballot triumph over current President Jonathan has a spotty CV.
Former Lagos provincial governor Bola Tinubu, affectionately nicknamed the Jagaban, is today seen as a shrewd if not “deeply Machiavellian” Svengali in Nigeria’s politics as well as the architect of a hugely successful anti-corruption platform. But 20 years ago he had to forfeit nearly half a million dollars to the U.S. Treasury Department after being named as an accomplice in a white heroin-trafficking and money-laundering ring that stretched from West Africa to the U.S. Midwest.
Although his case has been bandied about the Nigerian press for years, Tinubu’s involvement in a federal drug and racketeering investigation waged jointly by the DEA, FBI, and IRS has gone unreported elsewhere, even after his ascendance to Karl Rove-like status last month. A recent gauzy Financial Times profile of him, for instance, neglected to mention that two decades ago Tinubu was identified as a bagman for two Nigerian heroin movers who operated out of Chicago and Hammond, Indiana. They were Adegboyega Mueez Akande and Abiodun Agbele, Akande’s nephew, who was exposed to law enforcement after selling white heroin first to Lee Andrew Edwards, another dealer later jailed for trying to murder a federal agent, and then to an undercover cop.
In a 1993 court docket from the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Illinois, which The Daily Beast obtained from Sahara Reporters, a Nigeria-focused news outlet, IRS Special Agent Kevin Moss said that Akande had run the white heroin ring in the late 1980s until 1990, when he handed off the U.S arm of the business to his nephew, who had arrived in 1988. Akande then returned to Nigeria but continued to oversee the operation from abroad with the help of others at home and in the United States, including his relatives. One of the individuals identified in his cartel by Moss was Tinubu, then a Chicago State University-educated accountant working as a treasurer for Mobil Oil Nigeria Ltd, a subsidiary of energy giant Mobil Oil, which was still a few years shy of its famous merger with Exxon in 1999.
In the biography section of his official website, Tinubu is described as having emigrated to the United States in 1975 “in search of the proverbial Golden Fleece with a heart brimming with unrelenting determination to achieve his visions.” This is certainly one way to describe his tenure stateside.
In 1989, Moss said in an affidavit, Tinubu established an individual money market account, into which he deposited $1,000 in traveler’s checks, and a negotiable order of withdrawal account (NOW) at First Heritage Bank in Country Club Hills, Illinois. The address Tinubu gave the bank was the same as the listed headquarters of Globe-Link International, the front company owned by Akande and his relatives.
Bank employees told Moss that Akande had personally introduced them to Tinubu in December 1989 when who also opened a joint checking account with his wife, Oluremi Tinubu, who already kept a joint account with Akande’s wife at First Heritage. Five days after the NOW account was opened, $80,000 was wired into it from a bank in Houston maintained by one of Akande’s relatives. Tinubu would later use the NOW account to buy a $10,000 Certificate of Deposit for an $8,000 car loan, listing Akande as his cousin on the application.
At the time, Tinubu’s take home as a Mobil Oil Nigeria executive was a mere $2,400 a month and he claimed not to have any other revenue streams. Yet he still managed to deposit $661,000 into his individual money market account in 1990 and then another $1,216,500 a year later. He also opened more accounts with Citibank in its worldwide personal banking unit, transferring over half a million dollars from his First Heritage money market account into one of them in early 1991.

Mobil Oil Nigeria told Moss that Tinubu’s role at the company never involved transferring large sums of money between banks and that it didn’t keep deposits in any institutions in the south suburbs of Chicago, where First Heritage was based. Moreover, although Tinubu moved back to Nigeria in 1983, he neglected to file U.S. income tax returns after 1984 despite having sizable, interest-generating deposits in American banks. All of this was enough to persuade a magistrate judge of the Northern District to issue seizure warrants for Tinubu’s First Heritage and Citibank accounts. Collectively, more than $1.4 million belonging to the Nigerian was confiscated.
Tinubu gave differing accounts for his wealth to Moss. In one phone call from Nigeria, shortly after the U.S. Treasury seized his money, he admitted to wiring $100,000 to Akande’s Houston bank account and to receiving the $80,000 from Akande into his First Heritage account. Tinubu also said that apart from one other account in Fairfax, Virginia, he had no other money stashed in U.S. banks.
Except that there were other accounts. Citibank has a worldwide banking division known as Citibank International where Tinubu stashed an additional $550,000. He also controlled an entity called Compass Finance and Investments Company Ltd., of which Akande and Agbele were directors. Still another nexus of money transfers was uncovered by federal investigators, with cash moving from First Heritage to Citibank to Citibank International, where it wound up in Tinubu’s personal accounts and in those belonging to Compass Finance and Investments. In a follow-up exchange with law enforcement officers, Tinubu changed his story. Just days after conceding that he’d sent and received money to and from Akande, he insisted that he had no financial or business dealings with Akande or Agbele.
There’s no evidence that Tinubu was ever indicted for any crime. He eventually settled with the district court, turning over $460,000 of the seized $1.4 million, with the remainder released back to him. The Beast tried repeatedly to contact Marsha McClellan, the U.S. attorney who prosecuted the case, but was unsuccessful.
“I’m not surprised at all,” said Virginia Comolli, a specialist on Nigeria and author of Boko Haram: Nigeria’s Islamist Insurgency. “There’s a trend of various Nigerian politicians at the highest levels involved in dodgy business deals around the world, in property and cash. Even ones who seem fairly clean turn out to have some dark histories.” The perfect case in point is Tinubu’s political project and new president-elect of Nigeria, General Muhammed Buhari, who in 1983 helped overthrow a democratically elected government in a military coup d’etat on the grounds that the government was undisciplined and corrupt. “He resorted to brutal methods, beating up people for not queuing properly and imposing limitations on the media,” Comolli said. “I think a lot of the votes Buhari got were anti-Jonathan rather than pro-Buhari.”
But no doubt, many also came from a savvy fusion of political factions. In February 2013, Tinubu successfully merged his own influential Action Congress party with Buhari’s Congress for Progressive Change, resulting in the All Progressives Congress. The marriage united Nigeria’s most populous northwest and southwest regions and the ensuing campaign was billed by Tinubu as a “commonsense revolution” against a corrupt and venal incumbency which, in its five years in power, had seen the terrorist group and newly-minted ISIS affiliate Boko Haram thrive. Buhari swept the election with 2.7 million more votes than Jonathan.
Even before that trouncing, however, Tinubu had a relatively positive reputation in Nigeria, according to former U.S. ambassador to Nigeria John Campbell. “He is widely regarded as having been a highly successful governor of Lagos state,” he said. “Together with Tinubu’s handpicked successor, Babatunde Fashola, Lagos has seen dramatic improvements in everything from practical stuff like garbage collection to the collection of taxes and the provision of public services,” Campbell told The Beast. Though even here, the ex-diplomat admits, Tinubu’s good governance has been clouded by controversy. “He established a company to do the tax collecting in return for a cut and, at one point, Tinubu and Fashola appeared to be splitting over the percentage of Tinubu’s cut.”
Drug charges do indeed appear to be the sine qua non for Nigerian high office. The year 1993, when Tinubu’s assets were seized, was a turbulent period for Nigeria following the cancellation of a national election and the establishment of a military dictatorship. Moshood Abiola, the rightful winner of that election, was accused of narcotics trafficking. So too is “Prince” Buruji Kashamu from the People’s Democratic Party, who has faced extradition back to the United States since 1998. Kashamu was indicted by a federal grand jury in Chicago for being the elusive “Alaji,” a globetrotting drug kingpin who smuggled heroin into O’Hare International Airport from Europe and Asia. Piper Kerman, the memoirist who inspired the Netflix series Orange is the New Black, famously worked for Alaji. Kashamu denies the charges and insists that he was purportedly a counterterrorism informant to the U.S. government before and after 9/11, and that the real trafficker was his now-deceased brother.
Despite his party’s general loss to the All Progressives Congress, Kashumu was elected in March as senator of the southwest Ogun state. In what appeared to be a magnanimous gesture to the winner, he took out an advertisement praising Tinubu as a role model. The Jagaban was distinctly unimpressed. He trashed the comparison in a statement signed by his media adviser, claiming that for Kashamu “to liken himself to Bola Tinubu is for a small rut to call itself a mountain.” Tinubu instructed the “false praise singer” to go face the music in the Windy City before deigning to talk to him.

Another One! Man to Ride Bicycle From Kaduna to Lagos to Thank the Yorubas for Voting Buhari

A 35-year-old Kaduna-born cyclist and supporter of the president-elect, Mohammed Kabiru Jafaru, yesterday embarked on a journey to meet with the vice president-elect in Lagos State.Reports made it known that Mohammed, a resident of Hayin Malam Bello in Rigasa district of Igabi local government area of Kaduna State, took off on his journey to Lagos at exactly 6: 35am at the palace of Sarkin Hayin Malam Bello, Alhaji Kabiru Isa Gangarida.
Speaking to newsmen before embarking on the journey, Mohammed said:
“I have decided to embark on this journey to Lagos because I want to go and thank Yoruba people for their immense support and contributions that led to the victory of General Muhammadu Buhari during the March 28 presidential election. The decision to undertake the journey came to my mind after analysing the votes cast for Buhari by the Yoruba people and after I discussed my intention with my immediate family and friends, they encouraged me to go on the journey.”
Mohammed, a father of four who lives at Goro road in Hayin Malam Bello, further said:
“I have never been to Lagos before; this is my first time and only God knows how many days I will spend before reaching Lagos”. When asked whether he has any fear about the journey, Mohammed said:
“I don’t have any fear because I believe in God that nothing will happen to me on the road; all I want is people’s prayers so that I will reach Lagos safely.”
Also speaking, an APC chieftain in the state, Hon. Kailani Mohammed, said Mohammed Kabiru will be received by the vice president-elect, Professor Yemi Osinbajo and other prominent members of the APC in Lagos on his arrival, and wished Mohammed a safe trip.
Since the victory of Buhari at the poll in March 28, various people have decided to honor him one way or the other by walking for him. First it was Suleiman Hashimu, who walked from Lagos to Abuja to honor the president-elect. Another person, Abubakar Duduwale is on his way from Yola to Abuja just to express his joy and solidarity for the president-elect.

I Am So Tempted To Join APC – Sani Abacha’s Daughter

Former Nigerian head of state, Sani Abacha‘s daughter Sagesse Gumsu Sani Abacha, has indicated interest in joining APC.
She expressed this interest on Facebook, and afterwards, many of her Facebook friends encouraged her to join the party.

N2Trillion Campaign Fund: Mischievous, False, Embarrassing – Abati

Reuben Abati, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity has described a report by a national newspaper that claimed President Goodluck Jonathan has ordered a probe on how N2trillion was spent on its 2015 re-election campaign as mischievous, false and embarrassing.
Below is the full statement by Abati.
The front-page story of the Sunday Punch of April 19 alleging that the Presidency spent a whopping N2 trillion on the 2015 General elections, and that a Committee of Five has been set up by President Jonathan to conduct an audit of how the funds were disbursed by party members and state officials is mischievous, false and embarrassing.
The President has not set up any committee as alleged in that story. It is also not true that the Presidency and the Peoples Democratic Party used state funds, or spent N2 trillion during the campaigns. The innuendoes are wrong-headed; the motives behind the story are suspicious.

Dangote Group Now Recruits Female Truck Drivers. See Photos

A pretty and slim female truck driver caused traffic in Ibadan when people stopped their cars just to take pictures of her.
The Twitter user who shared the images said the lady drove so well, she even left other drivers in the traffic after she had wriggled her truck out of the gridlock and drove off.
The Dangote group has graduated from hiring graduates and masters degree holders as drivers to now giving women trucks to drive.

INEC Presents Desmond Elliot With Certificate Of Return

PHOTOS: INEC Presents Desmond Elliot With Certificate Of Return

Nollywood actor/director and politician, Desmond Elliot received his House of Assembly Certificate of Return at the INEC office today, Wednesday, April 29, 2015. He won election into the Lagos State House of Assembly on Saturday, April 11, 2015 and will be representing Surulere Constituency 1 for the new dispensation. Upon receiving the certificate, the excited politician took to Twitter to tweet: ‘Your boy with the certificate of return..#Godwin #HumbledbyHismercy to Him be the glory, honour and adoration…’…

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

South Africans happily tell reporter that they’ll kill foreigners (Watch Video)

South Africans happily tell reporter that they’ll kill foreigners – They told the white reporter that if they see black foreigners, they will kill them. They will stab them in the face. Please watch the video…

 This serious o......

Xenophobia In South Africa: Sad photos Showing brutal killing of Mozambique..

Sad photos Showing brutal killing of Mozambique man – Shortly before 7am yesterday, Sunday Times journalists were in Alexandra township, near Sandton, speaking to shop owners who had their businesses looted overnight.

Then this happened …
In a gutter in Alexandra a Mozambican man stopped and lay down. The gash to his chest meant he could go no further.
At the day clinic less than 100m away they could not help him. The doctor scheduled to be on duty did not show up because he was a foreigner and feared being a victim of

It began on Friday night when mobs blockaded Arkwright Avenue, one of the main thoroughfares in Alexandra, with rubble and burning tyres. Foreign-owned shops’ roofs were ripped open and metal gates torn away as looters went on the rampage.
Outside one spaza shop, a man in a black corduroy jacket and red shirt was walking along the road.
Suddenly a young man dressed in a grey tracksuit jacket beat him over the head with a wrench. The red-shirt man tried to fend off the blows, his arms raised. He stumbled back, falling into rubbish strewn by the roadside. The blows with the wrench rained down. Then the bludgeoning stopped and the man with the wrench moved away.
“Are we safe here?” asked a South African woman watching the attack.
The man in the red shirt got up. Now another man with a beige spottie approached, holding an okapi knife high above his head. Again, the man in the red shirt raised his hands, pleading for mercy. But his pleas were in vain. He was stabbed … again and again.
The two grappled and fell to the floor. The man with the wrench returned. Finally, a lanky young man sprinted towards the man among the rubbish, kicking him in the head. The young man pulled a butcher’s knife. A man in a black leather jacket who had discouraged the attack grabbed the wrist with the butcher’s knife. The attackers fled.
The red-shirt man tried to get up but fell. Finally he made it to his feet. Feebly, he walked up the road.
Do you know why they attacked you? Who are you? Where are you from, we asked him.
He turned his head towards the questions fired at him, his face pleading. He said nothing. His shirt was drenched, a 2cm gash in his chest.
Metres further he stumbled and lay down in the gutter. He struggled to sit up and fell down.
“Help me get him into the car. Help me, please,” said photographer James Oatway, looking around at the men gathered around him. One stepped forward, reluctantly.
Up the road, at Alexandra Day Clinic, nurses did what they could. There was no doctor; he would have to be taken to Edenvale Hospital.
Along the way the man was flailing wildly, sitting up, lying down, wincing with pain. The wound to his chest was gushing now.
At Edenvale Hospital a lone gurney stood at the entrance. The porters sat in a room with tinted windows. Oatway pleaded for help. The man in the car was critical, he said.
Slowly one porter rose and scribbled in a book. Then the other, both now ambling towards the hospital entrance. Inside the car the red-shirt man looked lifeless.
“He’s dead. We can’t take him,” one porter pronounced.
There was no pulse. Then a gag reflex. He’s alive.
Inside the ICU, doctors compressed his chest, massaging his heart. After nearly seven minutes a ventilator was used. Shortly after 9am Emmanuel Sithole was pronounced dead. He was Mozambican. The stab wound to his chest had penetrated his heart.
In his pockets, R285 and 10c in change and a cellphone. His phone would ensure he did not die nameless.
  On his wrist, three armbands read: “United for Bafana.


Another $370m Abacha Loot Traced To Luxembourg – Swiss Ambassador

The Swiss government Monday revealed that $370 million of Nigeria’s money allegedly looted by the former Head of State, Gen. Sani Abacha has been traced to Luxembourg.
The Switzerland Ambassador, Hans Rudolf Hodel revealed this when he paid a courtesy call on the President-elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari at the Defence House, Abuja.
Also at the Defence House, an oil magnet, Prince Arthur Eze stated that with the coming of Buhari as president, the oil companies that had left the shores of Nigeria would come back.
Arthur Eze came in company of the the Managing Director of Total Upstreams and the Chairman of the Oil Producer Trade Section (OPTS), Mrs. Elizabeth Proust to pay a courtesy call on Buhari.

Arthur Eze fielding questions from journalists said: “We are glad that General Buhari is one of the most disciplined leaders that we have in Africa and particularly in Nigeria. He is going to organize this country so that you will not see all these poor people again. Things will change in this country. It is God that gives power, and God has given it to Buhari.

“He is coming to change our economy especially the oil sector, as you can see, most of the oil companies who left Nigeria are now coming back.”
Asked why he visited Buhari, when he was a close associate of President Jonathan, he said: “You know General Buhari has been President of Nigeria and also a former oil minister. He knows the oil industry very well; he is a man who has ability to take a decision. He has been in the system for a very long time, that is why God brought him back. Everyone of us is supporting him because God has giving him power”.

The Swiss Ambassador speaking on corruption, said: “This is a long standing issue. Our laws are there to help all countries which are fighting corruption. We will help this government. If you remember, many years ago we gave back the Abacha money to Nigeria. The situation in Switzerland has changed. The policy is no longer the same. In the past people come to deposit money in Switzerland without too much controversy. Now, it is not possible to deposit money in Switzerland because of legal origin. Before banks had to prove that the money is illegal. But now, before you deposit money in a Swiss bank, you have to prove that you have earned that money legally. If you are a wealthy businessman, you have money in billions legally, but if, for example as a journalists you come to Switzerland with $2 million and say you earned it because you did a very good job, nobody will believe you”.

Asked if there was any Nigerian money in Switzerland needed to be refunded, the Ambassador said: “None that I know. Recently, there was another request by Nigeria to the Swiss authority to look for Abacha money and some amount has been found in an account in Luxembourg. That is now between the Abacha family and the government. They have tried to find a deal so that this money can also come back. The recent one is 370 million dollars.

On how soon the money would be released, he said: “The Swiss government is not involved. The Nigerian government has asked for legal assistance. When the government makes a request to my government, we work together on it. But this case is different. That is the Abacha family directly with the Nigerian government finding a deal. So, the Swiss government is not involved and the money is in Luxembourg. They have asked for legal assistance and we have provided them with this information. It is not a classical case and we would have prefer a classical case where we can give the money back and make sure that it is used in the interest of the people. Now it is up to the Nigerian government”.

The Cuban Ambassador, Mr Carlos E. Trejo Sosa, who also visited to congratulate the President-elect stated that his country would collaborate with Nigeria in many areas.

credits : naijapals

'Nigeria Will Boil If You Arrest My Husband' – Asari-Dokubo’s Wife To Buhari

     Hajia Mujahidat Daba Dokubo-Asari wife of ex Niger Delta militant, Asari Dokubo has once again affirmed that no one can arrest her husband.
   Her reason, the Niger Delta freedom fighter never held any political office and will never be held accountable for anything under president Jonathan’s administration.
She voiced her anger via a post on Facebook thus

" Buhari must start his victimisation of his perceived enemies called probing of missing funds from his own cabinet first and the said probe must take effect from 1978 when Buhari was the petroleum minister anything short of that is unacceptable to the Nigerian populace.
The probing must be all round not selective. For those myopic Almajiri fools who blab that Asari will be prosecuted , I’m sorry to disappoint you , Asari has never held any political post so think of something else if your Buhari arrest Asari today, another one thousand Asari will sprang up instantly unless he want to commit genocide in the Niger delta. which you know is not possible in a democratic dispensation."


NNPC Audit Reveals Double Payment Of Subsidy, N3.65Trn Spent Without Approval

The just released audit report by Price water House Coopers PWC on the financial management of the NNPC has revealed that there were many cases of duplicated subsidy payment by the NNPC to many oil marketers between 2012 and 2013.

According to the report, payment of subsidies for petrol (PMS) and kerosene (DPK) between January 2012 and July 2013 when investigated had a difference of $980 million (about N195 billion) due to duplicated payments.

    “Our review of the subsidy documentation revealed that the subsidy due to NNPC between January 2012 and July 2013 on PMS and DPK import was $8.99billion compared to the $9.97 billion stated by the Reconciliation Committee.

The difference was due to the following: Exclusion of October 2011-December 2011 subsidy claims of $1.2billion. This does not relate to the review period of January 2012 to July 2013; $0.13billion increase in PMS subsidy claimed for the 19 months period, $0.09billion increase in DPK subsidy claimed for the 19 months period; duplicated discharges noted in subsidy computations Our examination of the PMS and DPK import verified by PPPRA revealed that some discharges were apparently verified and subsidy advised to NNPC more than once,” the report stated.

According to Leadership, the report showed NNPC spent $18.53billion (or N3.65 trillion) as operational costs without a duly approved budgetary allocation. The report also indicated that the total gross revenues generated from the federal government crude oil lifting between January 1, 2012 and July 31, 2013 was $69.34 billion and not $67 billion as earlier stated by the federal government’s Reconciliation Committee.

The report also stated it was unable to verify the exact unremitted revenues accruing to the Federation Accounts as it did not have access to NPDC’s full account. The Nigerian Petroleum Development Company is a subsidiary of the NNPC. “We did not have access to NPDC’s full accounts and records and we have not ascertained the amount of costs and expenses which should be applied to the US$5.11billion Crude Oil revenue (net of royalties and PPT paid) per the NPDC submission to the Senate Committee which should be considered as dividend payment by NPDC to NNPC for ultimate remittance to the Federation Account.

Between 12 January and 29 January 2015, NNPC provided transaction documents representing additional costs of $2.81 billion related to the review period, citing the NNPC Act LFN No 33 of 1977 that allows such deductions. Clarity is required on whether such deductions should be made by NNPC as a first-line charge before remitting the net proceeds of domestic crude to the Federation Accounts. If these are deemed not to be valid deductions, then the amount due from NNPC would be estimated at $2.07 billion (without considering expected known remittances from NPDC) or $4.29 billion (if expected known remittances from NPDC are considered).”

The forensic audit became necessary following a letter in September 2013 by the former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, to President Goodluck Jonathan stating that from January 2012 to July 2013, NNPC lifted $65 billion worth of crude on behalf of the federal government but remitted only $15.2 billion into the Federation Accounts, with $49.8 billion as outstanding to the federal government. On December 13, 2013, the NNPC responded that no money was missing.

A Reconciliation Committee comprising representatives of the CBN, NNPC, Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Office of the Accountant General (OAGF), the Budget Office of the Federation, Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources was set up On December 18, 2013, the Reconciliation Committee, in its report, estimated the unremitted funds at $10.8 billion while the CBN said it was $12 billion.

The CBN on February 4, 2014 informed the Senate Committee on Finance that the NNPC needed to account for $20 billion as the CBN could only confirm receipt of $47 billion of $67 billion revenue. On February 13, 2014, the NNPC provided explanations of the $20 billion shortfall while the finance minister and coordinating minister for the economy recommended an independent forensic audit. On June 5, 2014, PwC was appointed by the office of the Auditor General of the Federation (OAuGF) to conduct a forensic audit into the allegations


Nigerian Army Rescue 200 (Chibok?) Girls and 93 Women From The Sambisa Forest

At least 200 girls and 93 women have been rescued from Sambisa forest today by the Nigerian troops the official Twitter handle of the Nigerian Armed Forces (Defense Headquarters) has said this evening. It also said three camps were destroyed including the notorious Tokumbere forest.

Nigerian troops have stormed the Sambisa Forest, a wide expanse of arid land North-east of Nigeria and rescued about 300 women and girls.
            According to reports from the military headquarters, at least three major terrorists camps have been destroyed in the well coordinated attacks that include the destruction of the notorious Tokumbere camp in the Sambisa Forest.
   While confirming the operation, the Director Defense Information, Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade said he could not confirm the identity of the freed victims and their origin, neither could he state if any of them was from Chibok, Borno State, until after a thorough screening and proper investigations have been done.
             He said: “I can only confirm the rescued this afternoon of 200 girls and 93 women in different camps in the forest. We are yet to determine their origin as all the freed persons are now being screened and profiled. Please don’t misquote me on their origin. We will provide more details later.” Last April, over 200 girls from the Government Girls’ Secondary School, Chibok, were abducted by men suspected to be members of the Boko Haram Islamic sect in an operation which drew criticism from Nigerians and several notable members of the international community.

news and image credit:Gistmania


Stephen Omaidu has been is being tried for allegedly hacking into a bank's database and stealing the sum of N68 billion naira with the help of four other suspects who are still at large.



A graduate of the Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, Stephen Omaidu, has been arrested and arraigned for allegedly hacking into a bank's database and stealing the sum of N68 billion naira.
Omaidu is alleged to have worked with four accomplices to transfer the said sum into four different accounts
According to spokesperson of the he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, the suspected hacker's accomplices, Alhaji K. B. Kabiru, Gods will Oyegwa, Ben and Oliver, escaped and are still at large.
Omaidu was arraigned before Justice M. A. Na-sir of the Federal Capital Territory High Court sitting in Jabi, Abuja on two counts bordering on theft to the tune of N68bn, an offense punishable under Section 287 of the Penal Code.
EFCC. counsel, S. A. Ugwuebgulam, asked the court to fix a date for the trial to commence after Omaidu pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Defense counsel, Gabriel O. Sanifu, asked the urged the court to admit the accused to bail pending trial.
“The offense is bailable," he said.
Ugwuebgulam countered the bail application because the suspect had breached the conditions of the administrative bail terms earlier granted him.
Justice Na-sir then remanded the suspect in custody and adjourned the case to the 28th of April, 2015.

Image credits:Pulse